Headmaster's MESSAGE

"Living SMART the Don Bosco way"

Living life the Don Bosco way while being SMART, combines the principles of Don Bosco's educational philosophy. Being smart means having the ability to learn, reason and solve problems. It's a quality that can help us achieve goals, succeed in our lives and make a transformative influence on the world. In addition to intelligence, it's our passion that adds zest to life and gives us the drive to pursue our interests with zeal.

Our theme in school this year urges us to make a positive impact on the world, and to inspire others to do the same by integrating the SMART goal setting principles into our lives to lead a purposeful and fulfilling life. Here's how:

Simple goals with purpose
Don Bosco emphasized the importance of setting simple specific goals that align with one's purpose and values. Whether its academic achievement, personal growth, or service to others, setting specific goals provides direction and focus in life.

Measurable progress with accountability
Don Bosco believed in the power of accountability and tracking progress towards goals. By regularly assessing how far we have come and adjusting our actions accordingly, we stay accountable and this ensures continuous improvement.

Achievable dreams with realism
Living life the Don Bosco way involves setting ambitious yet achievable goals that stretch our limits while remaining within the realm of realism. By balancing aspiration with realism, one can pursue dreams with confidence and determination. So go on and dream BIG.

Relevant growth with integrity
Personal growth should always be holistic, which encompasses not only academic success but also spiritual and cultural development, making us respectable citizens in society. Our goals must always be aligned with our principles, ensuring that our actions are guided by integrity.

Time bound action with diligence
By committing to timely action and persevering through challenges, we can make steady progress towards our aspirations.

In conclusion, combining Don Bosco's timeless wisdom with the SMART framework we can lead a meaningful life that honors every individual's unique potential and contributes positively to the world around us. "Do not put off till tomorrow the good you can do today"- Don Bosco.

Fr. Avin Carvalho,
Headmaster – Don Bosco High School, Panjim

Education is commonly and formally divided into stages such as preschool, primary school, secondary school and then college, university or apprenticeship. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.