News & Events

Vernacular Story Telling Competition.

On 21st July 2023 , the school organized an enthralling Vernacular Storytelling Competition as part of its ongoing efforts to promote linguistic diversity and preserve the cultural heritage of our region. The event aimed to encourage students to showcase their storytelling prowess while fostering a sense of pride in their native language. Students from classes V to VII participated in the competition, making it a delightful and enriching experience for everyone involved.

The judges for the competition were our Ex teachers of Konkani Ms Vanita Kamat and Ms Dhulari Gharse. The highlight of the event was witnessing the students' unwavering enthusiasm as they took the stage one after another, confidently presenting their tales. After a deliberate evaluation process, the judges announced the winners of the Vernacular Storytelling Competition. The first, second, and third place winners were awarded certificates of achievement. The Teachers Incharge for the event were Sir Pedro Rodrigues and Tr Wilda Miranda.

- Tr. Bindu Goodwin